Tips to Keep Your Skin Healthy and Glowing All Summer — Wedderspoon Organic
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Tips to Keep Your Skin Healthy and Glowing All Summer

Tips to Keep Your Skin Healthy and Glowing All Summer

Summer is in full swing! While you are likely enjoying the sunshine and higher temperatures, there’s a good chance your skin might not be loving it just as much. The combination of sun exposure, sweaty skin and protective skin products can leave you feeling like your skin is just not at its best.

During a season when you’re likely out and about more often, surely you want to feel great in your skin. Your skin has different needs in different seasons and environments, and you need to take that into consideration when caring for it. Modify your skincare routine for the summer months and give your skin a little extra TLC to ensure that it is glowing and at its best all summer long.

Create a Summer Skincare Routine

There are several easy steps you can take in the warmer summer months to best take care of your skin. Pick up these habits and make them a natural part of your routine to keep your skin healthy, moisturized and glowing all summer.

  • Protect your skin each and every day with sunscreen. Admittedly, you won’t necessarily see the benefits of this right away - the impact will be more apparent long term - in the future. Sun exposure ages skin - causing sun spots, wrinkles and skin cancer.
  • Lighten up your makeup routine. On 90 degree days, heavy makeup will melt off anyway, so consider lightening up your daily makeup routine. Less makeup means less clogged pores, too. Consider using a BB or CC cream, a light powder, or going bare faced.
  • Wash your face well, every day. Between makeup, sweat, and maybe even chlorine, your skin can be put through the ringer in the summer! Ensure that you clean your skin well, each and every day, to get all the dirt and grime out of your pores. And, don’t forget to moisturize after washing your face. Choose a light, non-irritating moisturizer with SPF for added skin protection.
  • Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! We all know that water is key to great skin, and this is especially true in the summer. Make sure you have a water bottle as arms reach, whether you are at home, work or doing errands, to ensure that you stay hydrated all day. This is really beneficial for your skin.

Add A Magic Ingredient Into your Skincare Routine: Manuka Honey

While the above habits will surely help keep your skin in tip top shape, another thing you can do is add a not-so-secret, powerful and all natural ingredient into your skincare routine. This ingredient is none other than Manuka Honey. Manuka Honey, considered a superfood, is not only beneficial when consumed, but also when used on the skin.

Manuka Honey’s healing, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties can soothe tired, irritated skin. It’s also moisturizing and can add a glow back to dull skin. Just like there are countless ways to use Manuka Honey when cooking or baking, there are also many ways to incorporate it into your skin care routine. Let’s talk about it.

Manuka Honey Skincare

In its simplest form, Manuka Honey can be applied by itself, directly to the skin, as a face mask. However, if you want to get fancy, you can combine Manuka Honey with other ingredients, like sugar, oats, aloe, banana, matcha and more to create more in-depth masks and scrubs.

Customize ingredients based on what your skin is in need of. Need added moisture? Manuka Honey and aloe make a great and moisturizing face mask. Need to exfoliate and wash away dead skin from a sunburn? Create a gentle but effective scrub using Manuka Honey and sugar or oats. Manuka Honey can be incorporated into treatments for the face, body and lips. When it comes to skincare, the more natural, the better. Mix Wedderspoon Manuka Honey with ingredients you have in your kitchen or garden.

We encourage you to get creative when it comes to Manuka Honey skincare, but, we are also happy to share some of our favorite DIY skincare recipes with you. These recipes are all easy and require minimal, all natural ingredients.

As mentioned above, Manuka Honey skin care recipes can be used on your face, body and lips. In the winter, lips get chapped from the blustery cold, but in the summer, they can get chapped from the heat, lack of moisture, and the sun. The same way you moisturize your face and body after a day in the sun, you should moisturize your lips, too. Our Organic Manuka Honey Lip Balm, available in three varieties (peppermint, lavender lemon and coconut lime) will keep your lips lush and moisturized all summer (and, year round).

Here’s to a wonderful summer, and healthy, glowing skin!

Do you have a favorite DIY Manuka Honey skin care recipe? Share it with us in the comments below!

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